
Onward, Spaceship, Pretty Please?

Anybody seen X-Men: First Class? Turns out looking for fresh new writers is a lot like looking for fresh new mutants - no offense, boys and girls. Even the make-believe Jonathan Franzen ban we imposed on our social pages doesn't quite seem to be working out; but my God, our social pages.

We're pleasantly astounded by how many scholarly strippers with opinions there are on Twitter. On Facebook, we're just throwing food around - arguing about Afro-Latino Spider-Men, and names for non-existent bands we'd like to start; and we're also turning Canadian. When nobody's got anything smart to say, we just wander around pissing off the privacy controls.

If another recession's happening, like right now? We're more helpless than a salad. More short stories? We're working on it, you adoring audience you...